Tuesday, July 17, 2012

1972 Munich Summer Olympic Opening Ceremony (entire ceremony)

The Games of the XX Olympiad
Munich, West Germany
Opening Ceremony of the 1972 Olympics in Munich
Olympic Ceremony Records
italics indicate records at the time
  • First Olympic Mascot
  • First Officials Oath
  • First Woman to Take the Athlete's Oath
  • Most Nations Participating (121) - previous Mexico City 1968 (112)
  • Most Athletes Participating (7,170) - previous Mexico City 1968 (5,530)
  • Most Olympic Events (195) - previous Mexico City 1968 (172)
Olympic Torch Relay Records
italics indicate records at the time
  • Most Nations Traveled - 8 (previous 7: Berlin 1936, London 1948)
Opening Ceremony
Olympiastadion (77,000)
August 26, 1972

(COMPLETE VIDEO - with Parade of Nations highlights, including ISRAEL)
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Click here for the German Version

Opening Ceremony Highlights
The 1972 Olympics in Munich were tragic.  On September 5, 1972 a group of Palestinian terrorists stormed the Israeli apartments in the Olympic Village, kidnapping 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team including Yakov Springer, holocaust survivor.  All eleven plus a police officer and all five terrorists were killed in a rescue attempt.  These were also the first Olympics held in Germany since the time of Adolf Hitler and the games themselves were surrounded with controversy such as the Men's Basketball final (US vs. USSR) where cheating judges, illegally awarded the USSR to repeat a last second shot attempt three times until it was made - the US has never accepted their silver medals.  Nonetheless, these controversial games mark a new era in the Olympic Ceremonies - the beginning of the artistic program.  These ceremonies, highlighted by experimental music and a mass program of children's folk dances begin a ceremonial tradition that will soon eclipse the massive 1936 ceremony in Hitler's Germany with the mega-ceremonies beginning with Moscow's monstrous ceremony in 1980.  Here are the highlight of Munich's opening ceremony:
  • President of Germany and Dignitaries arrive; Fanfare on Alphorn (not performed - dignitaries late)
  • National Anthem
  • Parade of Nations, marching to folk music by Kurt Edelhagen
  • Munich children greet athletes, music by Carl Orff
  • Olympic Fanfare by Alfred Goodman
  • President of Germany declares the games open
  • Olympic Flag raised to the Olympic Anthem
  • "Antwerp" Flag is transferred to Munich's Mayor with Bavarian and Mexican folk groups
  • Doves released
  • Canons fired
  • Olympic Flame enters the stadium; music by Wilhelm Killmeyer; cauldron lit by Gunther Zahn
  • Athlete's and Judge's Oaths
  • "Eckecheirija" by Krystof Penderecki performed
Gold Medal from the 1972 Olympics in Munich
1972 Munich Olympic Torch
Official Poster from the 1972 Olympics in Munich

1972 Munich Olympic Cauldron with Flags at Half-staff

1 comment:

  1. Why you call the moscow opening monstrous ? I think Italië was the best ever.


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