Thursday, November 12, 2009


Well, I have been very busy lately. This semester has been crazy. I got married on August 8, I have an assistantship with K-State and work for both the Choral and Voice areas, I teach classes and have a private studio, I direct at University United Methodist Church in Salina, I am going to school for a double Master's in Conducting and Performance, and applying for Doctoral Schools, and also applying for professional companies. It is definitely overwhelming.

In short, my Major Events Schedule for the next couple of months is as follows:

Nov. 14-16 - Chicago - Santa Fe Opera Auditions
Nov. 16-18 - St. Louis - St. Louis Opera Auditions
Nov. 26 - Newton - THANKSGIVING
Nov. 28-30 - Chicago - Central City Opera Auditions
Dec. 2 - Manhattan (All Faiths Chapel 7:30) - Singing on Dr. Thompson's Recital
Dec. 3 - Manhattan (FUMC 7:30) - Department of Music Holiday Concert
Dec. 6 - Manhattan (All Faiths Chapel 3) - Directing Men's Glee on their Holiday Concert
*Dec. 10 - New York City - Chautauqua Opera Auditions (attempting to change to a later date)
Dec. 12 - Manhattan (Bramlage Colliseum 9) - Singing Natl. Anthem @ DUSTI'S GRADUATION
Dec. 13-15 - New York City - Pine Mountain Opera Auditions
Dec. 24-25 - Salina - CHRISTMAS
Dec. 27 - ? - DUSTI'S BIRTHDAY
Jan. 7 - Atlanta - National Opera Association Opera Scenes Performance

Well, there is a lot of stuff on the list there, but there will potentially be a lot more. I will hopefully have Doctoral School Auditions in January and February. I will also be applying for competitions so I can raise money to pay for all the trips. K-State Opera is producing "Hotel Casablanca" the first week of March. The choir is going on tour in April. Also in April are several recitals of mine and my conducting recital is in May. I hopefully will be singing for a company from June-August and start my Doctorate in September.

This semester has really been a learning experience in a lot of ways. I have been very productive and that, oddly, has a lot of bad side effects at times - many new stresses. But, this has been a very exciting ride so far. Soon I will be adding more things so people can follow along easier; it is very difficult anymore to keep so many people up to date, including myself and my wife. So, I will be commenting on the upcoming events as they happen and please feel free to comment; I love to hear from you all.


1 comment:

  1. So, how did it go today? Dad and I are anxious to hear all about it!


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